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Solar Power Vs. Wind Power

Solar power vs. windmill energy. Which one generates more energy? Which is better for the environment? They are both renewable, meaning, they can be used over and over again with little effect on the environment. But they’re different in many ways, let’s see how they compare.

Wind and solar combined provided 67% of America’s energy in the first half of 2022. Pros and cons for wind power include the power of the wind, its consistency, and other weather activity in the area. How does windmill work? As the wind strengthens power is generated, the more wind, the more power. This is why you find wind turbine farms placed in areas with consistently higher wind activity, which equals more windmill energy. At least two or more turbines must be present in one area to be considered a wind turbine farm. As powerful winds move the turbines, the turbines then convert the kinetic energy of the movement into mechanical power which is used for many things. This power can be sent to generators which convert the mechanical power into electricity, to get the electricity from generators to your home the electricity passes through transformers which are then carried over traditional power lines. These power lines feed electricity into your home. 

Wind power advantages? The energy is very environmentally friendly. It doesn’t produce any toxic emissions and doesn’t contribute to global warming. According to energy.gov, it’s plentiful, cost-effective, and as popular as an electricity alternative, it even creates jobs.

Solar energy is also a great remote utility, but what are the pros and cons of solar panel? For instance, how long do solar panels last? The industry average is 25 to 30 years, so that’s not a huge factor. The initial cost, dependency on sunlight, and the high cost of energy storage are the main disadvantages of Solar. A do-it-yourself, off grid solar kit is the best solution to the initial high cost of installing solar panels.

Solar is very similar to wind energy. It’s clean, renewable, doesn’t produce any toxic emissions, and doesn’t contribute to global warming. Modern-day solar power systems use photovoltaic or PV panels. PV panels offer a whole new way to power homes and businesses all year round, but exactly how do they work? As their name implies photo means light and voltaic, which means electricity, photovoltaics, convert sunlight directly into electricity made most common of silicon. Individual cells are connected electrically and packaged into frames called solar panels that are placed on your roof or in your yard, to capture the sun’s energy. When the Sun shines, the electricity travels from the panels through the wires into a piece of equipment called an inverter. An inverter converts, the type of electricity produced by the panels called direct current or DC into the type of power that your home uses called alternating current or AC. Once the electricity goes through, the inverter, it travels through a wire into your home’s electrical panel to fill your electricity needs.

Solar power is more likely to be used on a smaller scale, for example on your very own rooftop for your use. Solar panels also have no moving parts, are quiet, and have fewer restrictions on where they’re placed over wind turbines. Solar panels are great for rural or urban areas. Over the past several years, the price of solar panels has continued to decrease. While the popularity of use as a renewable energy resource continues to rise, both wind and solar power are good choices, they’re great for the environment and a helpful solution to healthier ways of powering our homes. The one you choose will depend on your budget, what part of the country you live in, and your personal preference. Renewable home energy options allow you to feel good about supporting the environment

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