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Monthly Archives: November 2022

Pros and Cons of Solar Panel

Using the natural energy from the Sun is one of the most efficient & affordable ways of generating energy. Over the past several years have created jobs, and opportunities. Solar Power has seen massive growth so that must mean that regarding pros and cons of solar panel, one would say that the benefits outweigh the negatives. But, let’s take a look.

Does Solar Make Sense Where You’re At?

If you’re in the Pacific Northwest, where you have clouds 200+ days a year, or at least the majority of the time, then you’re probably not going to be making a lot of electricity. So, you’re not going to see a lot of benefits.

 However, if you live in Southern California or Arizona, solar is going to make more sense to you. So where you live is something you must consider.

With so many New Panels, the Need to Recycle is Evident.

With record numbers of panels popping up on rooftops and open areas, what do you do when it comes time to replace them? And regarding the manufacturing of a solar panel, do the benefits outweigh the impact environmentally?

Are we assuming that renewable technologies like solar power is cleaner and better than the alternative of burning fossil fuels? We don’t often look at what kind of impact and cost it takes to manufacture solar panels. Or when they are used up, do they become a burden?

Until recently the number of panels in operation globally was relatively low that they could be mixed in with the rest of our garbage without anyone really noticing. But now the number of panels continues to grow exponentially, and those in the solar PV industry are realizing that the lack of effective recycling is not good.

Some of the more entrepreneurial types are wondering whether there is money to be made from the millions of panels that need to be scrapped in the coming decades. If they could just find a way to transport and process them all in a cost-effective way.  So are they right? Can it be done at scale, and can profits really be made along the way?  

We Need The Entrepreneurial Minded

 We need to attract interest by entrepreneurial types because solar panels contain all sorts of components,  some very valuable like silver and others like polysilicon,  but all of which could potentially be harvested from old panels and reused in new ones.

The problem is landfills are cheap. While it is not yet cost-effective to separate the materials, sort, transport and everything else required to complete the process. But the demand for recycled solar panel components is going to skyrocket as the number of installations continues to grow.

Solar homes rely less on the nation’s aging power grid. Things like geography and how your house rooftop is positioned. Are you in the right direction to get maximum efficiency?

If solar makes sense for you, and it very well might. I think most would agree that when it comes to the pros and cons of solar panel, solar energy is positive for the environment and lowers your energy costs.

Build Your Own Power Plant in 3 Steps

Learn how you can create a DIY power plan that will save you money and help the environment. This guide will show you how to make a simple and effective power plant in just 3 steps. Click Here!

Click here if you want to learn more about how to do solar by yourself.

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Easy DIY Power Plan

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