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How Long Does Solar panel Last?

How long does solar panel last? I have asked the question, and I have been asked that question. What is the lifespan of a home solar panel power system? What’s the best answer for someone who’s looking at solar?

The average lifespan of solar panels is 25 to 50 years…

Most of the solar panels made today come with either a 25 or a 30 year warranty. Your system will last 25 to 35 years and up to 40 years, and we’ve seen them go even longer. – Solar panels slowly degrade over time. They will slowly lose their efficiency over time.

How does the degradation of my solar panels impact my ROI?

Let’s look at the impact of our return on investment in regard to the degradation. Most solar panel manufacturers have it on the product spec sheet that their panels will degrade about a half a percent a year. A solar panel is not going to produce the same amount of energy in year 20 as it did in year one. A solar panel will still produce about 90% or more of the power in year 20 than in year one. However, it does impact the ROI slightly. So, with that said, when showing you the financial projections of their solar panel system, reputable solar companies will figure in the degradation of the panels.

Expect that in 50 years, your system’s gonna be producing 75% of what it did in year one. If you’re fortunate to be around in a hundred years, your panels will be producing 50% of what they did in year one.

Personally, in regard to the question, how long does solar panel last? I think that 25 to 50 years is a long lifespan and is acceptable. At some point, you’re going to have to ask, is the system still producing enough power for me? Your need for power will change and it is safe to say that 30 to 50 years down the road we will have more advanced, even longer-lasting panels. Perhaps or other technology and options available. At some point, your solar panel has more than paid for itself and continues producing. Keep in mind that electric rates have continued to rise over this long lifespan. All in all, solar panels are a good investment.

To have a solar panel 50 years later while the electric rates have risen faster than the degradation has decreased. – If you look at it from the return on investment. The value of your panels is arguably greater in year 25 than it was in year one.

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